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Home > Pamplona Riverside Park > Rivers Elorz and Sadar > Bridge of Acella Landa

Rivers Elorz and Sadar

The Park on the River Elorz and River Sadar

The River Elorz and its tributary, the River Sadar, flow to the south of the municipal district of Pamplona at the foot of the city’s plateau.
The walk, which is six-and-a-half kilometres long, forms a continuous route through the municipal district.

Work is currently being performed on the project to lend continuity to the riverside park along the River Sadar. Old industrial buildings that meant that the river had to be redirected have been demolished and the banks will soon be restored to join the university campuses by means of a natural corridor.

Bridge of Acella Landa

This is the most complete bridge over the River Sadar and the exit route taken by the Way of St James as it makes its way from Pamplona to the municipal area of Cizur Mayor. A bridge built of bare stone with a brick vault and basket-handle arch. Bare-stone parapets. Height of the keystone above the water of 4 to 5 metres. Opening of the arch, 8 metres. Width of the path over the bridge, 3 metres.

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