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Ayuntamiento de Pamplona :: Iruñeko Udala

Home > Pamplona Riverside Park > Rivers Elorz and Sadar >The River Elorz

The River Elorz

The River Elorz

The River Elorz comes from the western face of the Loiti Pass, is 35 km. long and forms a basin of 282 km2. Its main tributaries are the Rivers Unciti and Sadar, on the right-hand bank, and the Errekaldea gully, which comes from the Pass of El Carrascal, on the left.

The Elorz enters Pamplona from the south of the plain of Donapea, in an area with a fundamentally agricultural landscape bordering Cizur, before joining the Sadar a few metres before Avenida de Aróstegui, the main road entering the city from Estella and Logroño. It then runs deep within its banks in the Echavacoiz district and continues amidst market gardens towards Cizur Mayor.


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